jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2019



El área de capacitación y desarrollo carecía de un método estructurado para garantizar la correcta formación de los colaboradores dentro de la organización, en términos de competencias técnicas y de liderazgo, ya que el proceso no estuvo estandarizado, por la falta de un plan estructurado de acciones concretas a cerrar esa necesidad.

El proyecto desarrollado fue una propuesta a la problemática que experimentaba la compañía; en sí, fue crear un habilitador para favorecer los procesos de cambio, donde se brindaron soluciones prácticas, amigables y eficientes que fueran de utilidad al talento, y que garantizaran que las curvas de aprendizaje se disminuyeran de manera considerable; para esto se planteó crear esquemas de escuelas funcionales, currículos de capacitación o capacitaciones, donde se tuvieran los métodos para apoyar el proceso de aprendizaje de los colaboradores.

El objetivo general del proyecto fue: Elaborar un plan de gestión de proyecto para el diseño e implementación de programas de formación profesional en la empresa elaboradora de bebidas de consumo masivo, con el propósito de diseñar un proceso formal que facilite la formación de competencias técnicas y de liderazgo dentro de la compañía, tanto para los procesos de inducción al puesto, actualización e ingreso a la compañía. 

Los objetivos específicos fueron: Definir el plan de gestión de la integración del proyecto, o puntos de partida para la constitución del acta, plan de la dirección, roles y conocimiento del proyecto, con el fin de integrar todas las áreas de la compañía que participarán en el desarrollo de las actividades del plan; 

Establecer el plan de gestión del alcance para describir cómo será definido, desarrollado, monitoreado, controlado y verificado el alcance del proyecto, con el fin de delimitar el ámbito de acción del proyecto, y orientar las actividades de forma concreta; 

Definir el plan de gestión del cronograma, para gestionar la finalización en el plazo del proyecto, con el fin de utilizar las herramientas adecuadas para el seguimiento y control de las actividades, garantizando que estas se ejecuten a tiempo y vayan en función de los objetivos del proyecto; 

Realizar el plan de gestión de recursos para gestión, organización y conducción de los recursos humanos y físicos del proyecto, con el propósito de describir cómo se planificarán, estructurarán y controlarán los costos del proyecto, y completar el proyecto dentro del presupuesto, para realizar una correcta estimación de los costos del proyecto, para la construcción del mencionado presupuesto; 

Definir el plan de gestión de calidad para el cumplimiento de requisitos de calidad establecidos para el proyecto, con el fin de establecer las iniciativas que apoyan la correcta ejecución de las actividades del cronograma, alineadas a los requerimientos del producto y el cliente; Desarrollar el plan de gestión de recursos para gestión, organización y conducción de los recursos humanos y físicos del proyecto, con el fin de gestionar los recursos de manera eficiente para ejecutar las actividades del cronograma en tiempo y forma; 
Establecer el plan de gestión de comunicación para la planificación, estructura, monitoreo y control de las comunicaciones del proyecto, con el fin de crear las estrategias de comunicación pertinentes que funcionen como habilitadores para las acciones del proyecto; 
Establecer el plan de gestión del riesgo, para una descripción del modo en el cual se estructuran y se llevarán a cabo las actividades de gestión de riesgos del proyecto, con el fin de priorizar las respuestas de los riesgos que sean potencialmente críticos durante el desarrollo; 
Establecer el plan de las adquisiciones del proyecto, para gestionar, efectuar y controlar las adquisidores que el desarrollo requiera para su ejecución, con el fin de garantizar la disponibilidad de los recursos que se requieran para la ejecución de las actividades del proyecto; Establecer el plan de gestión de los interesados, para la definición de estrategias de gestión, con el propósito de involucrarlos de una manera eficaz en el proyecto, con el fin de garantizar los niveles de adopción de los involucrados y ganar patrocinadores para el proyecto.
Dentro de los métodos de investigación utilizados están: en primer término, la observación científica, que como método consiste en la percepción directa del objeto de investigación. En el segundo se contó con el método de diseño experimental, como consecuencia del esfuerzo que realiza el hombre por penetrar en lo desconocido a través de su actividad transformadora. (Ferrer, 2010, s.d.). 

El tercer método aplicado fue el lógico deductivo, mediante el cual se aplican los principios descubiertos a casos particulares, a partir de un enlace de juicios. (Ferrer, 2010, s.d.).

El resultado del proyecto tiene, como producto final, todos los planes de ejecución, para obtener las ofertas formativas de las áreas de la empresa donde se desarrolla el proyecto, material que impulsará el desarrollo de talento de alto impacto alineado a la estrategia de negocio.

En sí, como conclusión del proyecto, es importante indicar que este desarrollo es un habilitador de la estrategia corporativa de la compañía, ya que funciona como un impulsor del desarrollo y conocimiento del mejor talento interno, para impactar de forma positiva en los procesos y resultados del negocio. 

Este proyecto no solo documenta las capacidades de los puestos de la empresa, sino que también apoya y agiliza los proceso de entrenamiento e inducción al puesto interno, reduciendo considerablemente las curvas de aprendizaje de los colaboradores. Por tal razón, es de suma importancia que la alta gerencia apoye el proceso y ejecute un rol de patrocinador activo, para impactar la operación.

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Project Management Guide for the Project of Developing, Testing and Documenting a Credit Management Model for Small and Midsize Producers Associated to COOCIQUE R.L.


COOCIQUE R.L. –located in San Carlos, Costa Rica– is a Savings and Credit Cooperative that was founded in 1965; since then, it has been promoting the economic and social development of the geographical areas where they offer financial services. 

Today COOCIQUE R.L. is a sound financial institution regulated by the General Superintendence of Financial Institutions (SUGEF) and it serves more than 100.000 members nationwide. Credit products mainly include commercial loans, credit card loans, mortgage loans and productive loans.

One of the most important services offered by the Cooperative is the credit service for small and midsize producers, including agriculture and milk producers, among others. One of the challenges that COOCIQUE has been facing is to tailor credit services to the cooperative members’ needs. They require guidelines to develop, test and document a credit management model for small and midsize producers, including credit policies, procedures and tools to facilitate producers’ access to credit, digital-based delivery mechanisms, access to markets and credit risk management.

The proposed Project Management Guide was aimed at developing specific credit methodologies to address the small and midsize producers’ needs. The purpose of this Project Management Guide was to offer a step-by-step guide to developing, testing and documenting new models of credit management in the productive loan portfolio. The absence of specific credit methodologies to address the small and midsize producers’ needs and businesses characteristics increased the credit management risk and became a potential risk of non-compliance with SUGEF regulations.

The general objective of this Final Graduation Project was to develop a Project Management Guide, framed within the standards of the Project Management Institute, for developing, testing and documenting a credit management model for small and midsize producers associated to COOCIQUE R.L., a financial institution located in San Carlos, Costa Rica.

The specific objectives were: 1) To develop a Project Management Guide including the creation of a Project Charter that formally authorizes the project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to the project; 2) To develop a Project Management Guide that includes the following subsidiary plans: a) Scope Management Plan, b) Schedule Management Plan, c) Cost Management Plan, d) Quality Management Plan, e) Resource Management Plan, f) Communications Management Plan, g) Risk Management Plan, h) Procurement Management Plan, and i) Stakeholder Management Plan; and 3) To develop an implementation plan with short-, medium- and long-term actions that will help COOCIQUE R.L. to implement activities on a timely manner for developing, testing and documenting new credit management models for small and midsize producers.

For this research, a qualitative methodology was selected, supported by some quantitative analysis, using a combination of primary and secondary sources of information. The planning process was more qualitative than quantitative, but an analytical process of existing information and facts was conducted in order to develop a proper analysis, which would lead to critical conclusions about the credit management model components.

Developing new credit products demands the modification of credit management processes, procedures and organizational process assets in order to tailor credit products to small and midsize producers’ needs. Changes to internal processes and procedures must include regulatory norms from the supervisory body, so before the elaboration of the Business Case or Project Charter some feasibility analyses had to be conducted, especially the legal feasibility analysis.

During this FGP we have identified new processes, activities or tools that need to be considered during the development of the new credit product for small and midsize producers, and we have suggested a limited number of new tools in order to add value to the project management process, but without creating a highly bureaucratic process and excessive paperwork.

Finally, assessing the current project management methodology at COOCIQUE and the PMO organization and operation is out of scope of this FGP. Nevertheless, we suggest that they assign Project Managers from the PMO, and not from functional areas that are also affected by the changes that the new product will generate. The COOCIQUE current project management methodology clearly integrates basic PMI best practices and principles, but that is a general document not fully operational for the development of new credit products. This is something that needs to be reviewed.

The general objective of this Final Graduation Project has been achieved by proposing the Project Management Guide including the subsidiary plans for the developing, testing and documenting a credit management model for small and midsize producers associated to COOCIQUE R.L. The visits to COOCIQUE and field interviews to COOCIQUE staff helped to understand the PMO functions and COOCIQUE project management methodology, which is framed within the standards of the Project Management Institute. The proposed implementation plan highlights the short-, medium- and long-term actions for fully implementing the whole Project for the design of the new credit product.

The suggested components of the Project Management Guide including subsidiary plans for the Project of developing new credit products will benefit COOCIQUE by providing a technical guide for planning this kind of projects in the future, in addition to the suggested tools that can help to improve the current project management methodology.

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This research was designed to explore and demonstrate the achievement of financial sustainability of a public institution through the standardization of practices and utilization of project management frameworks via the introduction of a Project Management Office (PMO) in the organizational architecture of the Forest Department in Belize. 

In order to achieve this, the identification of the research subject immediately followed by a definition of the research scope was required. The assessment was conducted through a series of tools such as questionnaires. The primary participants included staff and management of the Belize Forest Department.

The Forest Department (FD) is one of the oldest government institutions in the country, since its establishment in 1927. 

The FD is a subset of Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, the Environment, Sustainable Development, and Immigration. 

As a regulatory agency, the FD is responsible for the oversight and management of Belize’s forest resources, which include the use and protection of forests including granting of forest licenses and permits, collection of royalties for forest resources, monitoring, and the design and implementation of management plans. In order to execute this mandate, the FD maintains six district offices organized under a programmatic approach. The FD’s mandate though, has evolved significantly over the years. 

In addition to its stated responsibilities, the FD also serves as the national focal point to several Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). In an effort to meet its obligations under the MEAs and improve its ability to carry out its mandate, the FD also assumed the responsibility of managing projects. Over the years, the FD has managed several multimillion-dollar projects with varying degrees of success.

The problem the FD faced is the fact that the funds it receives from central administration is insufficient to meet the demands of the department; thus, projects are needed to fulfil its mandate. In order to attract projects, the FD must demonstrate its ability to manage and meet their objectives.

 However, there are no standard operational procedures or practices established by the department and there are no best practices to guide managers during project implementation. Without established guidelines, there are lost opportunities for the realization of additional benefits to the Department.

The general objective of this research project was to propose the establishment of a project management office in the Belize Forest Department; to consequently improve programme management and increase financial sustainability for effective results in the implementation of its organizational mandate. 

The specific objectives were to conduct an institutional assessment to determine organizational maturity level; to conduct an analysis to determine the most appropriate type of PMO for the department; to propose the roles and responsibilities of the PMO in order to determine its effectiveness and its contribution to achieving the department’s mandate; to design an implementation plan for the establishment of a PMO for the Department, and to determine a set of KPIs to measure PMO performance.

The methodologies employed in this research were based on literature reviews of similar researches using the analytical, deductive, and observational methods. 

The analytical and deductive methods allowed for an in-depth analysis of the department’s structure, while the observational method was used to evaluate and record the deliverables and their acceptance by stakeholders. 

The tools used in this research were based on an Organizational Project Management Maturity Model (OPM 3) questionnaire sample. The results of the analytical method propelled the analysis of the different types of PMOs in order to determine the most suitable for the FD’s development.

Based on the maturity assessment results, it was determined that the FD’s maturity is Standardize. Although its maturity is at the entry point of the scale, the potential for further maturity is high. The FD demonstrated strengths and weaknesses in certain project management areas which included stakeholder management and scope management respectively.

Following an analysis of the three basic types of PMOs, it was concluded that a Hybrid of supporting and controlling PMO was most suitable for the FD at this time. It was further concluded that establishing project methodologies, project tracking and project support constitute the main roles and responsibilities identified for the proposed PMO. In consideration of the FD’s organizational culture, an implementation plan for the PMO was designed to be executed over a twelve (12) week period. Finally, a suite of key performance indicators was outlined to track PMO performance and as well to demonstrate financial sustainability.

Thus, in keeping with the main objective of this research, a PMO was deemed necessary and should be developed to improve programme management and increase financial sustainability of the FD for effective results in the implementation of its organizational mandate.

Pursuant to the results of this research, it was recommended that:

A maturity assessment should be conducted on an annual basis to determine maturity as well as to identify the department’s strengths and needs over time. A monitoring and evaluation plan should be developed for the PMO. This plan would require that internal audits be conducted on a semi-annual basis during the first two years of the PMO’s existence. 
Furthermore, this assessment will afford the Project leadership and FD’s administration an opportunity to analyse the PMO’s relevance as well as to advise the administration and other relevant stakeholders on the appropriateness of the PMO.

Implementation of a PMO at the FD is a novelty; thus, it is recommended that a team with the appropriate expertise lead the process. A task force should be established to examine the roles and responsibilities of the PMO. This would facilitate a smooth transition to the successful implementation of the PMO.

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lunes, 9 de diciembre de 2019



The Belize Barrier Reef Reserve System is the largest reef in the northern hemisphere providing a habitat for numerous endangered species as well as contributing significantly to Belize’s Gross Domestic Product via its fishing and ecotourism industries. 
In fact, in recent years, the communities on Ambergris Caye have come to rely on the reef system as their main source of economic development. 

It is evident that the tourism industry is thriving and with that comes an increased awareness and call to action for controlled environmental business practices and conservation of the marine ecosystem. 

The San Pedro TourOperators Association (SPTOA), pioneers in the tourism sector, have made significant contributions in the promotion of sustainable marine recreation through
collaborative projects with governmental and non-governmental agencies.

The project “Improving Environmental Business Practices of Marine Recreation Providers Within The Northern Coastal Complex” is a project concept developed by the SPTOA to equip tour operators with the right skills to engage in safe and sustainable marine recreation practices and to promote enhanced accessibility and safety of the marine recreational destinations. The Association is a membership organization comprised of tour operators who advocate for responsible tourism through projects. 

They, however, lack the institutional capacity to properly plan and adequately manage projects. The Final Graduation Project (FGP) provides the technical assistance needed by developing a project management plan for the SPTOA project at hand. 

The project management plan investigated the ten knowledge areas of project management and outlined the adequate tools and techniques to properly administer a project. This project management plan marks the start of a new approach for the SPTOA in carrying out projects and further building the credibility of the Association. 

Additionally, the project management plan employed a dedicated approach utilizing strategic, focused and sustainableproject activities predicting success of this and future projects.

The general objective was to develop a comprehensive Project Management Plan for the project titled “Improving Environmental Business Practices of Marine Recreation Providers Within The Northern Coastal Complex” in San Pedro Town, Belize. 

The specific objectives were: to develop the integration management plan that will unify and coordinate the processes and project management activities, to create a scope management plan to define all the project work required to successfully complete the project, to create a schedule management plan that will define the approach for creating and monitoring a project schedule that will effectively manage the timely completion of the project, to develop a cost management plan that focuses on key processes necessary for establishing a project budget and ensuring the project is completed within the approved budget,to develop a quality management plan that defines the project’s quality policies, procedures and requirements in order to effectively manage project and product
quality from planning to final delivery, to create a resource management plan to identify, acquire and manage all resources needed in order to successfully complete the project, to create a communications management plan that details the communication needs and expectations for the project with timely and effective communication strategies to disseminate key information, to develop a risk management plan that outlines the project risk management approach from identifying to categorizing and effectively responding to project risks, to develop a procurement plan that identifies the processes necessary to purchase or acquire goods, services or results needed for the project, and to create a stakeholder engagement plan that ensures the proper identification and categorization of
stakeholders with appropriate engagement strategies throughout the project.

The research methodology for the Final Graduation Project was based on theory, method, and analysis. Both primary and secondary information sources were utilized for data collection and analysis. The project utilized a general classification of research methods: qualitative and quantitative research, as well as research methods according to nature of study: descriptive and analytical research.

Qualitative research was performed for the development of areas such as resource, communications and, stakeholder management by using key informant interviews and indirect observations, and review of secondary data and case studies. 

Other areas of the project such as schedule, cost and procurement management were developed by using some level of quantitative research to categorize, rank, measure and define the data collected. Descriptive and analytical research were used to make classifications, comparisons and focus on factual and readily available information for analysis and critical evaluation in key project areas.
The Project Management Plan development process concluded that there is much value in the Project Charter and a well-defined Project Management Plan. 
Key findings showed that there must be strict adherence to schedule, resources and cost if the seven deliverables are to be met within the project duration of 251 days and project funding of US$194,000 as provided by COMPACT/GEF. 
The project is ranked a medium-risk venture and consequently, there must be clear and open communication between the project team and all relevant stakeholders, with careful consideration of the two high-risk events in project management and financing conditions, and sound procurement practices if deliverables are to be met in accordance with the acceptance criteria for quality and completion.

The SPTOA is embarking on a new journey in the project management arena. It is the hope that the Project Management Plan developed under this project will be utilized for management of the SPTOA’s first comprehensive project. 

Keen attention should be paid to project details such as project slippage, cost tracking, the quality acceptance criteria, resource development, risk minimization, efficient and transparent procurement methods, and finally, active and proactive stakeholder engagement. 

By following the guidelines presented in this plan, it is expected that the proposed SPTOA project, will result in the substantially augmented capacity and technical abilities of SPTOA Executive thus improving their overall status and credibility as an executing agency for projects.

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miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2019



The National Herbarium of Suriname (BBS) is the botanical research institute at the Anton de Kom University of Suriname. 

There is only one herbarium in Suriname and no botanic garden. Several gardens have been observed and none of them meet the requirements of a botanic garden. 

Some of the requirements are that the plants in the garden must have a scientific reference and they must be systematically sound. Also, scientific names must be displayed according to botanic taxonomy.

Despite the high diversity of plants in Suriname, a living collection to study plants and to conduct scientific educational botanic activities near the University does not exist. 

Not having a botanic garden will eventually be time consuming and expensive for students, researchers and educational institutions. 

As a result, plants that have been collected in areas that are difficult to reach cannot be kept alive. 

Not having a controlled environment to grow these plants hampers their survival as well as the opportunity to conduct research. 

Without a botanic garden, a refuge for confiscated plants does not exist. People will be missing a place that has the role of a sanctuary, where they would like to spend their time and that is beneficial for their well-being. 

As a result of public agriculture and forestry testing grounds being parcelled out, the conservation of the genetic resources that was intended by the testing grounds has been impaired.

Projects that have been executed by the Herbarium to date, were managed without proper guidelines and minor project management. 

Appropriate allocation of time and resources during the preliminary planning to guide the establishment of a botanic garden will maximize the chances of the project meeting its budgetary and scheduling needs in the implementation phase. This will also help attract further support and funding at a later stage.

The general objective was to develop a Project Management Plan to guide the establishment of a National Botanic Garden Project. 

The specific objectives were: to develop an Integration Management Plan to manage the integration within the project and to coordinate the various project management activities, including the creation of a project charter to formally authorize the project and to provide the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to the project and to produce the project management plan; to create a Scope Management Plan to ensure that the project includes all the work required, and only the work required, to complete the project successfully; to create a Schedule Management Plan to manage the timely completion of the project; to create a Cost Management Plan to complete the project within the approved budget; to develop a Quality Management Plan to meet stakeholders’ expectations by accurately identifying their requirements; to create a Resource Management Plan to complete the project successfully; to develop a Communications Management Plan to ensure timely and appropriate management of project information; to create a Risk Management Plan to conduct risk management planning, identification, analysis, response planning, response implementation, and monitoring risk on a project; to develop a Procurement Management Plant to purchase or acquire products, services, or results needed from outside the project team; to develop a Stakeholders Management Plan for effective engagement of stakeholders in project decisions and execution.

The methodology for this research was the analytical research method. Interviews and document analysis were conducted to produce the specific objectives to guide the establishment of the National Botanic Garden project.

The main results of the project management plans were that the Suriname National Botanic Garden Project will comprise a 2.5 ha botanic garden that will be carried out in four stages and was scheduled to last 33 months. 

The four stages are Envisioning the Botanic Garden, Site Selection and Feasibility Study, Design and Pre-Operations, and Launch and Operations. 

The total project budget was estimated for the amount of $460,059.00.

Among the main conclusions was one regarding the Quality Management Plan, which includes the stakeholders and requirements prioritization analysis. 

This plan shows that the Suriname National Botanic Garden Steering Group is the principle stakeholder and the principle requirement is expertise available in Architecture, Landscaping, Botany, Horticulture, Education, and Project Management. 

Another main conclusion was that the four high priority risks in the Risk Management Plan that were identified are: Required labor exceed budgeted costs for the project; availability of adequate skilled staff delays landscaping, botanical, horticultural, educational activities; lack of regulations to protect botanic gardens; inadequate revenues generated from services provided by the botanic garden. 

Also, among the main conclusions was the Power-Interest Matrix showing that the stakeholders to be managed closely are the Project Sponsor and the Steering Group. The stakeholders with the highest impact and influence are the Steering Group and the University Board. Their views and opinions must be given the highest level of consideration because their opposition can make or break the project.

Among the recommendations were that the Suriname National Botanic Garden should manage all their projects led by a project management team, equipped with the right tools and techniques for adequate project planning and appropriate project documents. 

Quantitative risk analyses should be applied for all projects in order to identify appropriate risk responses and the project management team should have a storage system in place for project knowledge and lessons-learned for future use and review.

The Suriname National Botanic Garden management team should incorporate environmental sustainability and social responsibility in all the project management processes.

Descargar Aquí :

martes, 3 de diciembre de 2019



El sector comercial dedicado a los gimnasios en Costa Rica es relativamente reciente, y no es hasta inicio de los años 2000 que se da un auge de cadenas comerciales dedicadas a este sector. Paralelamente a las tendencias mundiales, los gimnasios en Costa Rica pasaron por múltiples cambios que han marcado momentos de auge comercial para estos negocios y periodos de transformaciones profundas dentro de sus organizaciones. 

El entender estas tendencias o hitos de la industria y saber adaptarse a las mismas son clave para la continuidad y crecimiento de exitosos centros de Actividad Física tanto a nivel nacional como internacional. Es en este momento de mercado que el Centro Bushido Strength nace en el año 2017. 

Su fundador es Luis Ángel Brenes Guevara, conocido atleta y entrenador nacional. La Academia Bushido Strength busca transmitir que el entrenamiento fortalece el cuerpo, trabaja la debilidad de la mente y pule el espíritu.

A pesar de que la Academia Bushido Strength es un centro reconocido por su formación de atletas competitivos en distintas disciplinas, la misma no cuenta con una estrategia de negocio que le permita proyectarse o diferenciarse de su competencia para así crecer la cantidad de suscriptores y bajar la deserción de clientes de menos de 3 meses en la Academia.

A pesar del éxito deportivo de la Academia Bushido Strength, la carencia de un plan estrategico de negocio y una estrategia de adherencia y lealtad de sus clientes pone a la misma en una situacion financiera critica. Esta es la causa para que su fundador busque desarrollar una metodologia que le ayude a escalar su negocio y el impacto que el mismo tiene en la comunidad.

Con el desarrollo del proyecto, y de la mano de las mejores prácticas en el PMBOK (2017), se pretende elaborar el Plan de Gestion de una estrategia de adherencia y lealtad de clientes que permita a la academia saber qué hacer y cómo estructurar su negocio de manera que retenga su clientela menor a un año de estar en la academia, aumente su flujo de caja y de estabilidad financiera a el negocio.

El objetivo general de este proyecto es elaborar un Plan de Gestión de una Estrategia de Adherencia y Lealtad de Clientes en el Centro de Entrenamiento Bushido Strength con el fin de conseguir la fidelizacion y retencion de clientes nuevos, prolongar la vida activa de estos y por ende dar mayor estabilidad financiera a la Academia.

Los objetivos específicos son:

1. Realizar el diagnóstico de la situación actual de la Academia Bushido Strenght para tener un punto de partida y orientación de las acciones a tomar en materia de Plan Estratégico.

2. Estructurar el plan de gestión de la integración del proyecto para la definición, unificación y coordinación de los diversos procesos y actividades de la estrategia de Adherencia y Lealtad de Clientes.

3. Establecer el plan de gestión del alcance para describir cómo será definido, desarrollado, monitoreado, controlado y verificado el alcance del proyecto.

4. Definir el plan de gestión del cronograma para gestionar la finalización en plazo del Plan de Adherencia y Lealtad de Clientes de la Academia y poder iniciar su implementación.

5. Realizar el plan de gestión del costo para describir cómo se planificarán, estructurarán y controlarán los costos del proyecto y completar el proyecto dentro del presupuesto.

6. Definir el plan de gestión de calidad para el cumplimiento de requisitos de calidad que lleven a la adecuada planificación de la Estrategia de Adherencia y Lealtad de clientes de Bushido Strength.

7. Desarrollar el plan de gestión de Recursos del proyecto para garantizar el cumplimiento de los objetivos a nivel de cronograma y costo.

8. Establecer el plan de gestión de comunicación para la planificación de las comunicaciones del proyecto y sus actividades relacionadas.

9. Establecer el plan de gestión del riesgo para una descripción del modo en el cual se estructura y se llevarán a cabo las actividades de gestión de riesgos del proyecto.

10. Definir el plan de gestión de adquisiciones para la descripción de cómo se adquirirán los bienes y servicios del proyecto fuera de la organización y como se gestionarán los procesos.

11. Establecer el plan de gestión de los interesados para la definición de estrategias de gestión para involucrarlos de una manera eficaz en el proyecto.

12. Definir el plan de implementación en su primera fase de ejecución, según la propuesta del modelo de adherencia y fidelización, orientado en la sección de Clientes del Balance Scorecard propuesto.

El diagnóstico de la situación actual nos muestra dos tipos de mercados a nivel nacional: Uno es un mercado de grandes cadenas de gimnasios con los últimos avances en tecnología y con inversiones que rondan los millones de dólares. 

Por otro lado, se encuentra un segundo mercado de gimnasios dirigido a la clase media y media baja. Este es un mercado saturado, con grandes similitudes en sus servicios y con una gran dificultad para crear un elemento diferenciador en sus negocios. 

La Academia Bushido Strength se maneja en el segundo mercado de gimnasios mencionado y los datos recopilados muestran que su ventaja competitiva yace en el excelente servicio al cliente que brinda a sus clientes.

Mediante el diseño de una Estrategia de Adherencia y Lealtad de Clientes se busca ir más allá de una simple propuesta de descuentos y promociones planteando un modelo que no solo propone acciones en el plano de los precios o costos de la Academia, sino que también busca apalancar la ventaja competitiva ya existente en Bushido Strength para generar adherencia mediante el trabajo en la experiencia del cliente. 

La Estrategia de Adherencia y Lealtad propuesta no busca solo tener clientes satisfechos, sino que busca trabajar en seis áreas distintas que los estudios indican tienen un efecto directo en la fidelización y reducción de bajas de clientes en un centro Fitness o gimnasio.

 La estrategia propuesta busca fortalecer la relación existente entre la Academia Bushido Strength y sus clientes en el camino del logro de una transformación personal y deportiva.

La metodología de la presente investigación es de tipo descriptivo, en la cual se colectan y analizan datos del fenómeno estudiado y se plantea un plan metodológico derivado del entorno existente, estrategias exploradas por expertos en otros entornos y adaptadas a la realidad del proyecto y mapas de procesos que permitieron optimizar el servicio que brinda la Academia Bushido Strength y por ende la fidelización de sus clientes ante la gran oferta disponible en el área. Dentro de la investigación se da el uso del método investigativo Deductivo e Inductivo.

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