martes, 18 de mayo de 2021




The Development Finance Corporation (DFC) is the only development bank in thecountry of Belize. It has been operating since September 27, 1963, before thestate even gained independence and was then known as British Honduras. DFC’s primary purpose is to provide developmental finance to help grow the Belizean economy. 

Loans are provided for purposes such as housing, small business, tourism l, manufacturing, and student loans, etc. As the DFC is a non-cash deposit bank, finances for on-lending must be obtained from local, regional, and international funding sources. 

These funds need to be appropriately managed as they are the long term liabilities of the organization. To remain competitive and improve efficiency, the DFC sought to enhance its software systems, one of which is the Accounting software system. 

The organization procured the license and sought to implement SAGE X3 Accounting system. The primary problem at the DFC was that there were two software projects being implemented at the same time with no Project Manager to oversee the projects.

The IT Manager, who had no previous knowledge in project management, was designated by Executive Management to oversee implementation, managing timelines, project budget, human resources, etc.

However, no project management plan was ever developed by the DFC.The purpose of the Final Graduation Project was to develop a Project Management Plan to facilitate the development of the project’s integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resources, communication, risk, procurement, and stakeholder management plans. 

The plan would assist the DFC in completing the project to implement SAGE X3 accounting software. The general objective was to develop a Project Plan for the project to finalize the implementation of SAGE X3 Accounting Software at the Development Finance Corporation (DFC) as recommended by the standards established by the Project Management Institute. 

As a result of the general objective the following specific objectives were developed: to create a project charter which will formally authorize the project to be carried out as well as provide the Project Manager mandate to carry out the work described within, to create a Scope Management plan which will include all work required to successfully complete the project, to create a Time Management Plan which will support the project schedule by planning and organizing time spent on activities that will be carried out for the duration of the project, to create a Cost Management plan which will be used to develop and manage the project budget to complete the project within the approved budget, to create a Quality Management plan which will be used to identify quality requirements for the project deliverables and processes, to create a Human Resource Management plan to ensure all human resources needed to successfully complete the project are correctly identified, acquired and managed, to create a Communication Management plan to ensure project status and key information is communicated effectively and efficiently throughout the life of the project, to create a Risk Management plan to identify and examine risks that can affect the successful completion and develop strategies to minimize the likelihood of those risks occurring, to create a Procurement Management plan that will be used to guide the purchase of products and engagement of services required for the project and to create a Stakeholder Management plan to identify project stakeholders and develop strategies to effectively engage them throughout the life of the project.

The methodology used to complete the Final Graduation Project was the analytical method. Facts and information were obtained from sources such as A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, interviews with the IT/Project Manager at the DFC, and initial project documents that were provided to the DFC by the software implementers. 

All these sources were analyzed to develop the Project Management Plan inclusive of subsidiary plans for the successful implementation of the SAGE X3 accounting software at the DFC-.


Aprobación : Marzo 2020

Tutor: Jorge Trejos 

 Descargar aquí :

viernes, 14 de mayo de 2021




SJP Consultants is an organization focused on Architectural and Engineering designwork for the past ten (10) years. Recently, a decisión was made by the director to incorporate a Project Management Office (PMO) within the organization to manage the construction on the various design projects undertaken. 

The governance framework for the PMO is currently under construction. In an effort to assist with community development projects in Saint Lucia, the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) in collaboration with the Saint Lucia Social Development Fund (SSDF) sponsored the expansión of the Guesneau Health Facility and engaged the design and management services of SJP Consultants.

Due to the recent incorporation of the PMO at SJP Consultants, no governance framework or Project Management (PM) guidelines had been established to proceed with the management of the Guesneau Health Facility expansion.

 As a result, a PM plan was created to guide the project team in the construction of the facility and in facilitating the successful delivery of the project. Hence, the main objective of this PM plan was to create a detailed guide to assist the SJP Consultant project team in successfully managing the execution and delivery of the Guesneau Health Facility Expansion. 

The specific objectives for the PM plan were to define a project charter to formally authorize the project and provide relevant details about the project; develop a scope management plan to define the work involved in the delivery of the project; develop a plan for cost management to ensure that the defined scope remains within budget; develop a plan for schedule management to ensure that a realistic time frame is identified and followed to ensure the timely delivery of the project; develop a quality management plan to define quality standards for the delivery of the project; develop a resource management plan to determine the relevant personnel involved in each aspect of the delivery; develop a communications

management plan that details the methods of communication conducted during the project; develop a risk management plan that identifies risks involved in the project and mitigation measures for dealing with those risks; develop a procurement management plan that identifies procedures to be utilized for obtaining resources for project execution; develop a stakeholder management plan that identifies stakeholders and their relevance and power with the associated project.

The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) was used as the basis for developing the PM plan. There are ten (10) knowledge áreas and forty nine (49) corresponding processes identified in the PMBOK. These knowledge áreas are the core technical frameworks required for effective PM planning and correspond to the specific objectives identified above.

Data was collected for the development of the project management plan by analysing historical data and reports from previously completed projects, conducting brainstorming sessions within the project team to obtain solutions to problems and conducting interviews with ten (10) experts, one for each of the knowledge áreas to provide advice on the best way forward.

The results analysis encompasses a detailed breakdown of each knowledge área and its processes, providing information on output data and guidelines for proceeding with the physical execution of the project. Each knowledge area was developed in detail, providing the project team with a guide on each aspect of the project as it relates to the expansion of the Guesneau Health Facility in accordance with the Project Management Institute guidelines; Providing information on data gathered in project planning and outlining procedures and guidelines for project execution. 

The intent of the outputted results analysis is to ensure that the lack of proper project management identified throughout the island is not repeated during the execution of the Guesneau Health Facility.

It is recommended that the project team utilizes all the information, tools andguidelines specified within the PM plan to achieve the desired outcome. The team must remain within project scope to ensure that time and cost parameters are maintained throughout execution. 

Simultaneously, quality standards must be met in accordance with the quality criteria set out by the project team. Stakeholder awareness, communication and resource management are vitally important in maintaining order and achieving the desired outcome of the project. 

Adherence to the ten (10) knowledge areas identified in the PMBOK and elaborated on in the PM plan ensures the successful execution and delivery of the project.



Tutor: Carlos Brenes

Descargar aquí:

viernes, 7 de mayo de 2021




En la actualidad la tendencia mundial es el uso de productos naturales sobre los de composición química, en beneficio de la salud, donde los ingredientes ecológicos, libres de químicos y las formulaciones sostenibles son la base sobre la que actualmente se apoya la innovación cosmética (Garcia, 2016). 

Esta premisa la ha identificado la compañía para el cuidado especializado de los bebes (CPB), la cual se dedica a la producción y distribución de productos naturales para el cuidado de los infantes (Cesar, 2019), de allí el interés de ofrecer al mercado un producto a base de plantas y esencias herbales para el cuidado personal. 

CPB reflejó un crecimiento en términos de ventas en pesos en el año 2018, con una variación positiva de 106% con respecto al año anterior (Cesar, comunicación personal, 15 de Julio, 2019), acompañado de un beneficioso resultado financiero; obtenido por la comercialización de sus productos a través de su único canal de distribución, el canal tradicional, el de mayor trayectoria en el mercado colombiano conformado por tiendas de barrio. 

Aunque por esta vía se obtuvieron resultados óptimos, y se tenía un potencial de clientes aún por capitalizar, la absoluta dependencia de un solo canal era vista por sus propietarios como un factor de alto riesgo, ya que cualquier factor externo que impacte el único canal de distribución que genera ingresos y utilidades a la compañía CPB podía afectar negativamente la sostenibilidad del negocio.

 Este hecho llevó a explorar la posibilidad de incursionar en un nuevo canal de distribución llamado Venta Directa, cuyas características permiten obtener beneficios similares de rentabilidad, aprovechar la capacidad instalada y fortalecer la marca de CPB (Cesar, 2019).

Lo anterior ratificaba que implementar el canal venta directa en CPB podía  representar un crecimiento en ventas y garantizaba la sostenibilidad del negocio, por lo que era necesario desarrollar este proyecto validando previamente su viabilidad. Teniendo en cuenta lo descrito el gerente general, con el objetivo de garantizar la sostenibilidad de la compañía, identifico la necesidad de realizar el proyecto por medio de un plan de gestión para diseñar el canal compra directa, de manera que los interesados tomaran decisiones acertadas, con las respectivas acciones a desarrollar, cumpliendo con las premisas de alcance, tiempo, calidad y costos determinados para el proyecto.

El objetivo general de este proyecto es elaborar el Plan de Gestión del Proyecto diseño del Modelo de Atención del canal de distribución venta directa para incrementar la demanda de productos para infantes, de la compañía CPB, mediante el uso de las buenas prácticas del PMI, con el fin de garantizar la sostenibilidad de la compañía CPB. 

Los objetivos específicos son: realizar un Diagnóstico de la Situación Actual, para efectos de terminar la brecha en contraposición con el modelo deseado, elaborar el plan de gestión de la integración del proyecto para definir, unificar y coordinar los diversos procesos y actividades del proyecto, estructurar el plan de gestión del alcance para identificar cuales entregables requiere el proyecto, realizar el plan de gestión del cronograma para constituir la documentación para la planificación, desarrollo, gestión y control del cronograma del proyecto en los tiempos acordados, establecer el plan de gestión de calidad para identificar los requisitos y/o estándares de calidad que exige el proyecto y sus entregables, elaborar el plan de gestión de recursos para identificar, adquirir y gestionar los recursos necesarios para la ejecución exitosa del proyecto, desarrollar el plan de gestión de comunicación para determinar y facilitar el uso adecuado de los medios de contacto y documentación del proyecto, elaborar el plan de gestión de riesgos para identificar y gestionar los posibles riesgos que puedan presentarse durante el proyecto, definir el plan de gestión de adquisiciones para documentar las decisiones en torno a las adquisiciones que requiere el proyecto, definir el enfoque e identificar los posibles proveedores, estructurar el plan de gestión de los interesados para desarrollar las estrategias de gestión que se requieren para obtener la participación de los interesados a lo largo del ciclo de vida del proyecto, analizando sus necesidades, intereses y posible impacto en el éxito del proyecto; y por último, definir la Metodología de Implementación del Modelo de Atención plasmado para consolidar la propuesta de Gestión del Proyecto.

Para el desarrollo del proyecto se utiliza el método de investigación descriptiva donde  se establecieron las variables involucradas y su correlación en cada uno de los planes de gestión de acuerdo con los objetivos. De igual manera se utiliza el método documental, donde se consultan diferentes casos de éxito en empresas similares, además de los modelos aplicables de la guía para los fundamentos para la dirección de proyectos sexta edición, entre otros documentos.

Dentro de los resultados obtenidos, se identifica que el proyecto está alineado con las necesidades de la compañía, es sólido y compromete la capacidad de transformación y cambio de esta, con el fin de lograr el crecimiento esperado en el nuevo canal de distribución.

CPB debe consolidar y evaluar cada uno de los procesos y actividades propuestas, a través del desarrollo de los roles y las responsabilidades asignadas con el propósito de consolidar el canal de venta directa en la organización, fortaleciendo así el nivel de relacionamiento y preferencia de nuestro cliente.

Finalmente se recomienda a la compañía poner a disposición el recurso humano y material necesario para lograr los objetivos propuestos, conservando los planes trazados y evaluar el desarrollo de estos, de manera que se vayan gestionando cada uno de los procesos planteados.


Aprobado: Abril 2020

Tutor: Rodolfo Ugalde Binda

Descargar Aquí:




El Hospital Max Terán Valls se encuentra en la provincia de Puntarenas, cantón de Quepos, este hospital recibe pacientes nacionales e internacionales por su zona turística y sus lindas playas. Atiende una población aproximada de 95 596 mil en los cantones de Quepos, Parrita y Garabito, con una población flotante de alrededor de 700 mil turistas anualmente. 

Dicho hospital es un hospital periférico que pertenece al sistema de salud pública costarricense, Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social. Este hospital no brinda los servicios de estudios de imágenes médicas por tomografía computarizada, por lo cual, los pacientes deben ser trasladados a diferentes centros médicos tales como el Hospital Monseñor Sanabria y el Hospital México para dicho estudio, lo que representa un riesgo para el paciente debido a que el establecimiento de salud equipado para brindar este servicio se encuentra a más de dos horas y media de viaje. 

Además, al realizar traslados de pacientes se incurre en gastos importantes para la institución, en personal y en el uso del servicio de ambulancias ya sea pública o privada.

Este tipo de estudios se han convertido en un pilar fundamental para la hora de toma de decisiones importantes, en patologías que representan un compromiso para la vida del paciente; tales como, traumatismos por accidentes de tránsito, la cual representa la causa número uno de muerte a nivel nacional, además de otro tipo de patologías tales como cáncer, tumores, entre otras.

El objetivo en el que se basó el proyecto fue en elaborar un plan de gestión de proyecto para la adquisición de un Tomógrafo Axial Computarizado con sus respectivos accesorios, infraestructura e instalación completa para el servicio de radiología del Hospital Max Terán Valls, tomando en cuenta las Áreas de Conocimiento basadas en el Guía del PMBOK (PMI, 2017) tales como los planes de gestión de la integración, alcance, cronograma, costos, calidad, recursos, comunicación, riesgo, adquisición e interesados, con el fin de estandarizar los procesos de adquisición.

Las metodologías de investigación utilizadas para alcanzar un fin propuesto, fueron el método analítico-sintético en el cual se inicia con una descomposición y luego se sintetiza, y el método inductivo deductivo que se basa en la lógica y estudia hechos particulares.


Aprobado Marzo 2020

Tutor: Roger Valverde Jiménez

Descargar Aquí:

miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2021




Power is an essential part of man’s existence. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, but simply changes from one form of energy to another (Winterborne, 2015). Electricity came to Jamaica in 1892, just thirteen years after Thomas Edison invented the first electric lamp. 

Electricity was supplied through the Jamaica Electric Light Company, who supplied approximately 3,928 customers through a small coal-burning steam generator on the island. The proverbial baton was passed on to the Jamaica Public Service Company Limited in 1923. 

Fast forward to 2020, the company remains as the sole distributor for electricity in Jamaica; catering to more than 640,000 customers each day.

The operations have evolved over the years as various arms of the business cater to the needs of its customer base. One such arm is that of the Generation Asset Management

Group. A newly developed department under the Generation Division of the company, that has the responsibility of managing the generating units that span the island, through a group of specialist engineers, program manager, scheduler, logistics planner and asset management coordinator. Through the use of preventative maintenance tools and best practices, the team develops, operates, maintains, upgrades and disposes assets in the most cost-effective manner.

In 2018, a remodelling of the workspace was carried out, but with little to no project management plan. This lack of planning led to overruns in the schedule and cost of the project with inconsistencies in quality management. 

With the present need for an expansion, the director and heads of department saw the need to implement a project management for the execution of this project. The introduction of a project management plan was critical in ensuring best practices were used for the greatest efficiency.

As such, the purpose of this study sought to develop a Project Management Plan that integrated sustainable principles in order to effectively carry out project management activities for the expansion of the Generation Asset Management Group workspace.

The general objective was to develop a project management plan for the expansion of the Generation Asset Management Group workspace. The specific objectives sought to:

create the project charter in order to define the key input elements for the development of the project management plan, develop the Scope Management Plan in an effort to

ensure that the project included all required work needed for successful project completion, develop the Schedule Management Plan to manage the timely completion of the project, develop a Cost Management Plan to predict coming expenses in order to reduce the chances of going over budget, develop a Quality Management Plan that defined acceptable levels of quality, in order to ensure that optimal efficiency was achieved at the end of the project, develop a Resource Management Plan to ensure that people and physical resources were effectively acquired, managed and controlled, develop a Communication Management Plan to ensure that communication requirements are well defined, and effectively distributed to respective stakeholders, develop a Risk Management Plan that identified and mitigated potentially damaging risks to the project activities and outcomes, develop a Procurement Management Plan that described end- to-end processes that the project used to acquire its goods and/or services, and finally, develop a Stakeholder Management Plan that identified appropriate management strategies to effectively engage stakeholders throughout the project lifecycle.

The methodology employed for the research was the analytic-synthetic method. The Sixth Edition of the PMBOK ® Guide was used as a source of information. Interviews were also held with members of the performing organization to gather information.

In conclusion, it is imperative that all ten knowledge areas work in tandem to support the completion of the Project Management Plan. In order to attain success, all stakeholders need to understand the veracity of the scope, and the project team needs to gain buy in from all.

Finally, the information garnered from each knowledge area proved useful in the development of a robust project plan to execute the expansion of the GAMG Workspace.

During the development of this Project Management Plan, some recommendations came to the fore. One such was the importance of the Generation Asset Management Group to develop and implement a formal project management system to undertake future project successfully. 

Another involved the development of initiation and planning documents necessary for the execution of similar projects, and finally, to allow adequate time to be invested into the development of all major and subsidiary plans prior to project execution.

Estudiante: Chevaughn Odain Walker

Aprobado: Agosto 2020

Tutor: James Pérez

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