miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2023




TM Fishing is a subsidiary of MJA Enterprises Inc. established in 2018 in the commonwealth of Dominica. TM Fishing Inc. was conceptualized in part as a response to gap in the fish and seafood supply market during the aftermath of Hurricane Maria that occurred in September 2017. 

The principle shareholder of the company, Mr. M Anthony functions in the role of C.E.O. Mr. Anthony is a registered fisher having completed the requisite training from the Ministry of Blue & Green Economy, Agriculture and National Food Security in the Commonwealth of Dominica.

 Fishing is integral to the socio-economic landscape of Dominica with profound cultural, health and income generating reach. In the past two (2) years, the company has experienced significant growth which required capital asset expansion to include: two (2) fishing boats, a refrigerated truck, a 4x4 hulling/delivery truck and several refrigerators among other essential assets. 

The business has been experiencing steady growth resultant from securing supplier contracts for several supermarkets and restaurants. This growth has necessitated further expansion which will include a cold storage facility; this need is further compounded by the inability of the local Fisheries Division to provide cold storage due to damage sustained to its facility during the passage of Hurricane. 

 The issue at hand currently is that the proprietor does not have the necessary capital to undertake the envisaged expansion and is seeking capital injection from both grant funding and traditional finance avenues.  Secondly and more importantly, due to inexperience, management is adopting an ad hoc approach to the construction initiative; there is not a formal management plan to guide scope or cost or inform potential financiers of the commitment expected. 

The absence of this critical tool exposes this novice business to avoidable pitfalls, which will translate into higher cost, substandard facility (having not secured required planning and environment health approvals) and prolonged construction time.

 The primary purpose of the exercise was to develop a management plan for TM Fishing; the scope of the project is to facilitate the construction an energy efficient state of the art cold storage facility to house fish and seafood.  


The overall objective was to develop a comprehensive project management plan grounded in the ethos of sustainability to ensure efficient use of resources for the construction of cold storage facility that adds value to community development through the expansion of a small business venture. 

The specific objectives of this venture were to create a project charter that outlines the scope, timeframe and resources required for implementation of the project; to create a scope management plan that outlines all relevant stakeholders inclusive of their individual requirements and expectations, to develop a time management plan that will facilitate the delegation of key tasks / activities that can be monitored and evaluated, to create a dynamic and integrative cost management plan that details all cost related components critical to the implementation of the project, to develop a procurement management plan rooted in sustainability and international industry specific best practices, to formulate a communication management plan that clearly defines the strategies to be employed for both internal and external exchanges, to develop a human resource management plan that will facilitate the engagement of the accurate number of employees required, with matching skill requirements to accomplish organisational goals also ensuring that engagements processes are in tandem with international laws, to establish a change management plan that will support the management of processes thus ensuring synergies among other all key knowledge areas to minimize the impact of change on the vision of the organization, to develop a quality management plan that merges stakeholder acceptance criteria with industry establish quality standards and to formulate a stakeholder management plan that identifies, categorizes and analyses the impact of stakeholders on the vision of the initiative. 

 The development of this project relied on both primary and secondary sources of information.  Primarily case studies were utilized to provide essential industry specific information to create a comprehensive document. This was supported by collection of information from secondary sources such as academic papers, industry specific publications particularly PMBOK ® Guide and Construction. 

 Application of the methodologies outlined above provided the foundation for the output of this project to be developed. This was of course not without significant challenges. However, the findings suggest that the integration of sustainability principles into the construction industry particularly in a small island developing states like Dominica is critical for the overall development. Integrating sustainability into the Built/Construction industry holds tremendous value, however, significant skills advancement and revision of integration approaches are paramount to support this revision. S

 It is therefore recommended that the Government employs a more dynamic approach to the revision of current building codes and guidelines to take into consideration more modern architectural and building designs. This is critical to mitigate against the implications of negative externalities create from the construction industry. Updated building codes will tie into the development and implementation of Land Use Planning visions.  The Physical Planning Division should be more proactive with efforts to educate stakeholders thus ensuring greater buy-in for reform proposals.  The construction industry needs to be regulated and monitored. As such It is important that training and certification of construction related personnel be prioritized as conditions for employment. Construction is particularly in Small Developing Islands (Caribbean) is not an area that is researched. It means that there is little to no location based scientific or historical data to inform advancement of the industry. It is critical therefore that all stakeholders (Government, Natural Resource Management Agencies.

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Estudiante: Alison E Alfred

Fecha: Marzo 2020

Tutor:  Roger Valverde 

Lector: James Perez

Lector:Carlos Vega












jueves, 19 de octubre de 2023




In Suriname the adolescent fertility rates are influenced by socio-economic factors; the adolescent fertility rate is higher among those with lower educational levels, living in rural and interior areas, the poorest, and is relatively higher among Amerindian and Maroon women. 

Addressing barriers that prevent the making of informed decisions and the access to quality comprehensive adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) information and services is a priority of the Government of Suriname, in order to fight poverty and inequality as well as potential negative health outcomes for girls and newborns. The development of a project management plan for such a complex project where inter-disciplinary expertise is required will aid in ensuring that the project is impactful and successful.  

UNFPA is the United Nations Sexual and Reproductive Health Fund. In Suriname the organization mostly works on the policy level, however, there are a few projects and interventions which are developed upon request of and in collaboration with the government. These projects are also implemented through the government and related entities. The project “Reducing Adolescent Pregnancy in Suriname” is developed on request and with the collaboration of the government of Suriname, to ensure that adolescents are able to make informed decisions and have access to quality comprehensive adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH) information and services are a priority in the fight against poverty and inequality. 

UNFPA has its own organizational policies and guidelines that are applied to the planning, management, monitoring, and closing of projects. UNFPA projects are of complex and intricate nature, often fostering behavioral change, hence the importance of continuous review and amplification of the efficiency and effectiveness of the organizations' processes and enhancement of the quality and impact of the projects. 

The purpose of this study is to develop a project management plan based on the best practices of project management, as described by PMI. The project management plan will comprise all subsidiary management plans, required for the project management plan. 

The development of this project management plan will provide the opportunity to identify which PMI best practices can be applied to UNFPA’s project management processes, in order to serve its clients most efficiently and effectively.   

The general objective of this project was to create a Project Management Plan for the project “Reducing Adolescent Pregnancy in Suriname”. 

The specific objectives were: to create a project integration management plan to ensure that all processes and activities of the project are identified and coordinated efficiently by developing the project charter to formalize the existence of the project and by developing the project management plan to coordinate all project plan components; to create a scope management plan to ensure that the project includes all the work required, only the work required in order to complete the project per the agreed budget and schedule.; to develop a schedule management plan to manage the timely implementation and completion of the project; to create a cost management plan for planning and managing cost in order to successfully complete the project for reducing adolescent pregnancy within the approved budget; to create a quality management plan to identify the quality requirements of the various stakeholders of the project and to ensure that these are included during the implementation of the project; to develop a resource management plan to identify, assign and manage all physical and human resources required to successfully complete the project; to develop a communications management plan to ensure effective communication from amongst stakeholders and to effectively communicate project progress to general public; to create a risk management plan to identify and manage the risks and impacts of the risks for successful completion of the project; to create a procurement management plan to acquire the products and services necessary for the implementation of the project; to develop a stakeholder management plan to identify the direct and implementing partners, to properly manage stakeholder expectations and for effective stakeholder engagement. 

The methodologies used were the analytical-synthetic and the descriptive method. Knowledge gathered from emails, meeting minutes, interviews, books, research data, policies, guidelines, and official and unofficial records of the organization, PMBOK Guide and Standards, and other sources were utilized to describe and understand all elements of the project management knowledge areas in order to create a comprehensive project management plan. 

In conclusion, the project management plan exhibits the importance of project integration to unify all aspects of its project management processes and to support the organization's mission to implement projects more efficiently. The quality management plan is a key success factor of the project, this component should be developed and monitored in a structured manner. Communications, both internal and external to the project, is the tool that will drive the organizing and execution of the project management and implementation activities, as well as inform the direct stakeholders and the public of the project’s objectives and results. This will create public support and foster the sustainability of the project. The procurement management plan has to be developed early into the project development process to ensure that the contraceptives can be purchased timely for the dissemination of these commodities. Furthermore, the project management plan demonstrates the significance of a stakeholder management and engagement plan. 

Adequate stakeholder management provides an overview of the stakeholder requirements and allows for the expectation of the stakeholders to be managed properly.  

The project management plan recommends that the project manager familiarize themselves with the UNFPA project processes and the PMI good practices for innovation and efficient and effective project management. They should manage the internal project communications in a structured manner for effective results. 

To garner sustainability, relevant project staff should be trained in the use of quality assessment tools and techniques to enhance the quality of UNFPA projects. 

Technical staff of UNFPA needs to ensure that structured guidance is provided for the development of the scope to ensure that it falls within the mandate of UNFPA, the implementing partners and government policies. The rights and needs of the direct stakeholders also as to be considered to create buy-in and for the project to reach its intended results.  

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Estudiante: FEZARA C. S. FRAENK 

Fecha de aprobación: Mayo 2021 

Tutor: Osvaldo Martínez

Lector: María Fernanda Ibarra 

Lector: Sophia Crawford


miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2023





 La Agencia de Cooperación Internacional (JICA), es un organismo independiente del Gobierno de Japón, establecido en 1974, encargado de implementar la Asistencia Oficial para el Desarrollo a los países en vías de desarrollo. JICA inició su cooperación en Nicaragua en 1991, y a la fecha cuenta con cuatro modalidades de cooperación en el país: la cooperación técnica, la cooperación financiera no reembolsable, el programa de envío de voluntarios y préstamos de la asistencia oficial para el desarrollo.

Siendo los proyectos de cooperación técnica los de mayor complejidad, ya que implican el establecimiento de una oficina del proyecto en la institución contraparte, la contratación de personal nacional, así como la compra de equipos e insumos para su funcionamiento.

Adicionalmente, se incluye la asignación de al menos un experto japonés, quien funge como Director de Proyectos. Actualmente, JICA no toma en cuenta las buenas prácticas para la dirección de proyectos del Project Management Institute (PMI).

En este sentido, no considera dentro de sus procesos de planificación, todas las áreas de conocimiento para garantizar una gestión integral del proyecto.

En el caso de las áreas de integración, calidad, comunicaciones, riesgos e interesados no existen ningún documento o plan para su gestión. Es por ello, que se propone elaborar un plan de gestión para uno de los proyectos de JICA, el cual oriente al Director de Proyectos, para la gestión de las áreas de conocimiento de este. Y que a su vez sirva de referencia para futuros proyectos de cooperación técnica de los sectores prioritarios que atiende JICA en Nicaragua.

 El objetivo principal de este documento fue elaborar una propuesta de plan de gestión del Proyecto para el Fortalecimiento a la Gestión Municipal para el Desarrollo Local, Fase II (FOMUDEL II), para optimizar la administración del mismo mediante su posible aplicación.

Los objetivos específicos fueron: Realizar un análisis FODA sobre el Proyecto FOMUDEL II para la conocer la situación actual del proyecto e identificar las oportunidades de mejora; elaborar un plan de gestión de la integración para establecer cómo se coordinarán las diferentes actividades y procesos del proyecto; diseñar un plan de gestión del alcance para determinar cómo será definido, validado y controlado el alcance del proyecto; desarrollar un plan de gestión del cronograma para asegurar el cumplimiento del plazo de finalización del proyecto; definir un plan de gestión de calidad con el fin de determinar las actividades requeridas para cumplir con los objetivos de calidad del proyecto; diseñar un plan de gestión de los recursos del proyecto para gestionar y controlar eficientemente los recursos físicos y del equipo del proyecto; desarrollar un plan de gestión de comunicaciones para determinar las necesidades de comunicación e informar correctamente a los involucrados sobre el avance del proyecto; realizar un plan de gestión de los riesgos para optimizar las posibilidades de éxito del proyecto; elaborar un plan de gestión de las adquisiciones con el fin de establecer cómo deberán efectuarse y controlarse las adquisiciones del proyecto y diseñar un plan de gestión de los interesados con el objetivo de desarrollar estrategias de involucramiento que considere las necesidades de los interesados y del proyecto. La metodología empleada para esta investigación fue de tipo analítico- sintético, deductivo[1]inductivo y observación. Las fuentes primarias utilizadas fueron entrevistas al equipo del proyecto de FOMUDEL II y observación de sus actividades.

Por otro lado, como fuentes secundarias fueron consultadas la matriz de diseño y cronograma del proyecto, documentación institucional del JICA, plantillas utilizadas por la agencia y bibliografía de Administración de Proyectos.

Al finalizar la elaboración del presente plan se concluyó que actualmente, a manera general existe una planificación del proyecto. No obstante, no se toman en cuentan las 10 áreas del conocimiento, por lo que se reconoce la importancia de implementar un plan de gestión basado en las buenas prácticas del PMI, con el fin de que el proyecto sea administrado de una forma más integral y eficiente.

Asimismo, se determinó que FOMUDEL II es un proyecto que involucra la ejecución de varias actividades con diferentes actores al mismo tiempo, por lo que, para llevar a cabo la integración de los diferentes planes subsidiarios al plan de gestión, será necesario una buena organización con el equipo del proyecto.

Por otro lado, se recomendó a la oficina del Proyecto FOMUDEL II, actualizar el presente plan de gestión según los cambios que surjan a lo largo de la ejecución del proyecto. Y compartir el registro de lecciones aprendidas con JICA, para que estas sean consideradas en la implementación de futuros proyectos, y así contribuir a la mejora continua de la organización.

Adicionalmente, se recomendó informar a INIFOM y JICA sobre los resultados de las actividades de control de calidad y los nuevos riesgos que surjan o aquellos que cambien de estado, con el fin de coordinar y garantizar el apoyo para las medidas que se adopten.

A la vez, se recomendó compartir con todo el equipo del proyecto, los formatos propuestos dentro de este plan como la matriz de asignación de responsabilidades, la matriz de identificación y evaluación de interesados, y la matriz de involucramiento de interesados.

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Fecha: Junio 2021

Proposal of a Methodological Guide for the Management of Projects executed by the Destination Planning Unit of the Belize Tourism Board



 This final graduation project describes the development and proposal of a project management methodology for the DP unit within the Belize Tourism Board.

 The project aims to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of project management within the unit. The DP unit was developed to assist in the development and planning of tourism related projects and initiatives throughout the country of Belize.

To successfully complete such projects, the DP unit is tasked with the planning, implementation, management, and execution of various tourism projects identified countrywide.

Over the last year, the magnitude of projects managed and executed by the Belize Tourism Board’s DP Unit has increased significantly.

With the increase in projects, the unit has been faced with great difficulties in executing and monitoring these projects due to the absence of a structured management process.

The absence of such a methodology resulted in numerous project delays and other project related risks.

Thus, the need to develop a project management methodology has been recognized. The justification for the research was to develop and propose a project management methodology to test the benefits of adopting a project management methodology.

Preliminary research on the benefits of adopting a methodology included the enhanced, efficient, and structured management and execution of a project.

Research results justified the development and proposal of a thorough and comprehensive project management methodology as beneficial to the DP unit.

Objectives were formulated to guide the development of the project management methodology.

The project development is guided by the general objective to develop a Project Management Methodology, based on PMI Principles, for the enhanced execution of tourism-based Projects by the Destination Planning Unit within the Belize Tourism Board (BTB) to improve project execution efforts.

 In addition to the main objective, seven (7) specific objectives were also used as a guide which included: to assess the Belize Tourism Board's current project management practices within the Destination Planning Unit to determine its weaknesses and strengths; to assess the current organizational structure, skill set, administrative procedures, and process flows of both the Destination Planning Unit and the Belize Tourism Board to better understand its operations and increase efficiency in project management; to develop a framework for all projects, managed and executed by the DP unit, using the newly developed Project management methodology; to conduct research and compare various project management methodologies to identify the best methodology for the Destination Planning Unit; to conduct research on various Green Procurement principles that could be incorporated into the project management methodology of the Destination Planning Unit that are effective for the xiv tourism industry; to develop and identify best practices to be used by the DP unit an effort to strengthen the skill set, organization structure, and process flow of the Destination Planning regarding project management; to test the final developed Project Management methodology on a sample project executed by the Destination Planning Unit to verify the efficiency and accuracy of the developed methodology.

The FGP objectives were achieved using both qualitative and quantitative research, inclusive of surveys & questionnaires, interviews.

Systematic reviews and observational methods were used to carry out the necessary research. Surveys & reviews, interviews and observational method were executed with the BTB management staff and DP unit to determine the needs of the unit, gather feedback and suggestions, and communicate to stakeholders the development of the project management methodology.

Systematic reviews were also used to gather, identify, and analyze pertinent information on project management templates, frameworks, and methodologies.

The completed FGP proved successful, and the general objective to develop a project management methodology for the DP Unit was achieved.

Assessments conducted on the DP unit and the BTB proved that the DDP unit has competent employees capable of implementing and following project management practices outlined by PMI, and the unit has access to the necessary resources.

However, the absence of a structured PM methodology and the lack of Project Management principles were revealed during the assessment. 

Green procurement has been incorporated into BTB's policies and, by extension, the DP unit must follow such policies.

PM templates and plans were completed to enhance the efficiency and productivity of the DP unit. 

The Dangriga Cultural Trail Project aided in the successful testing of the developed DPPMM. Recommendations included the adoption and implementation of the framework presented via the FGP.

Execution of the DPPMM Implementation plan is highly recommended. The incorporation of the PM templates, plans, process flows, and strategies within the DP unit is also recommended to enhance the output of the DP unit.

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Estudiante: Evelyn Chelsea

Tutor: Sophia Crawford

Lector: Roger Valverde

Lector:  James Pérez

Fecha : Junio 2021

martes, 15 de agosto de 2023




 A formal approach with procedures, processes, and techniques is a common aspect most project management processes lack in Suriname.

This is also an issue in the Academic Hospital Paramaribo (in dutch: Academisch Ziekenhuis Paramaribo -AZP). A project methodology guides the project manager to manage the project better to achieve good project results.

 This document describes the development of a Project Management Methodology for the Academic Hospital Paramaribo.

AZP is the largest hospital in Suriname, operating in six different locations in Paramaribo and owning more than 70 buildings. The hospital has 2,300 employees, including medical experts, physicians, nurses, nursing staff, and management staff.

It has a bed capacity of 510 beds and accommodates 2 laboratories, 23 medical specialties, the biggest Emergency center, and only fully equipped Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

AZP is the only hospital center that provides top specialized treatments (such as Cardiac disorders, ER traumas, Eye care services, and Radiotherapy).

 Within the Academic Hospital projects are overseen by several project managers and project leaders each with their way of managing the project.

This is the main reason why the AZP has faced many problems in its project management approach in the past few years.

The lack of structure and procedures are the main issue in the project management process which cause unnecessary delays in projects.

The purpose of this research is to develop a suitable Project Management Methodology (PMM) for the Academic Hospital, to be able to standardize, structure, and organize the work in the project management process to successfully execute its construction projects.

 To further utilize the project management method, there are specific objectives that describe the different tools and techniques used in this research.

To define the best-practice methods for the Academic Hospital a maturity analysis will be conducted to determine the organizational needs of AZP, and different project methodology will be analyzed to establish a suitable project management methodology.

 The method used in this research is based on a literature review of similar researches using the analytical research method.

This analytical research carried out an in-depth Project management analysis for the hospital. The tools used were questions asked, expert judgment, analytical techniques, and maturity model tools. The results of this research will determine the maturity of the organization's project management process and a suitable PMM for the Academic Hospital.

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Estudiante : Mirelva Sharissa Dundas- Seymor

Tutor: Róger Valverde Jiménez

Lector: Xavier Salas

Lector: Carlos Brenes




For more than 20 years, events oriented towards edifying professionals in the financial service industry have been offering an opportunity to collaborate, gain insight, and to connect with similar regional and international communities.

In response to the increased need to outsource event-planning services, Polished Events Inc. was established in 2019. Since then, the company has organized several corporate and private events with much success.

 As countries in the Caribbean and the wider Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region become targets and are singled out as major money-laundering states for the proceeds of narcotics trafficking, regional governments have been compelled to augment its anti-money laundering efforts.

A survey conducted by Polished Events Inc. confirmed the need for transformation of the AML and CFT sphere in Belize and the wider Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) region.

The need for increased AML/CFT awareness among industry professionals was also established.

This fueled Polished Events Inc’s decision to organize and host an annual AML/CFT, Anti[1]Fraud, and Financial Crimes Conference in Belize.

The objective and overarching benefit of this FGP was the establishment of a project management plan based on PMI’s Project Management principles for the organization of an annual AML/ CFT, Anti-Fraud, and Financial Crimes Conference in Belize.

It will provide participants with eye-opening experiences keynote address, panel discussions, breakout sessions, roundtable talks, networking, and team-building activities, workshops, and motivational speeches.

 This project will serve as a model for effective planning, resource deployment, and continuous success for Polished Events Inc.

There were ten (10) specific objectives. The first objective was to create a project charter to formally authorize the project and to provide the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to the project and produce the project management plan.

 The second and third objectives looked at creating a scope management plan to ensure that all required work was completed and a schedule management plan to ensure that the project was finished on time.

The fourth and fifth specific objectives focused on the development of a cost management plan to ensure that the project was executed within budget and the creation of a quality management plan to ensure sponsor requirements and project deliverables were produced.

The sixth, seventh, and eight specific objectives comprised of the development of a resource management plan so that the demands of the project were met; a communications management plan to ensure that all stakeholders were provided with information on the status of the project and a risk management plan to ensure that all risks were identified documented and planned for.

The final two objectives addressed the xii development of a procurement management plan to ensure that the make-or[1]buy analysis was conducted, and procurement needs were identified, and to create a stakeholders management plan to ensure that all participants affected by the project were identified.

To achieve these objectives, analytical and qualitative research methods were used to analyze and collect information during the project.

Interviews were the primary tool used to collect the information needed for the project. The project primarily utilized unstructured interviews, to gather information and insights on how to organize and host an annual Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Conference.

 Professionals from the event planning and financial industries were the primary participants of the interviews. The development of the project management plan and its subsidiary documents for the organization and hosting of an annual AML/ CFT, Anti-Fraud, and Financial Crimes Conference in Belize was guided by PMI’s Project Management principles as documented in PMBOK® Guide 6th Edition.

Each subsidiary document was developed through careful elaboration and integration of event management principles and project management processes.

Each subsidiary document was used to improve the project team’s ability to manage the initiation, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling, and closing processes of the project.

Thus, the plan will be used as a stepping-stone for excellence and reference guide for evaluating the success of this conference and other future events organized and hosted by Polished Events Inc.

 This plan aids in ensuring the objectives of the project were completed on time and within budget. It identifies the project scope and requirements, stakeholders, their roles and responsibilities.

It also describes communication requirements, quality specifications, and change control processes to be adopted throughout the project. Additionally, it describes the processes for the identification and mitigation of all potential risks associated with the project.

To ensure Polished Events Inc. remains a relevant player in the Event Planning Industry, it is recommended that the organization adhere to current PMI’s project management principles, and ensure each team member is properly and adequately trained on these. It is also recommended that a central repository for the storage of all project documents is established and that lessons learned from this event and similar events are evaluated and the findings are used to establish mitigation measures to avoid reoccurrence.

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Estudiante: Arlette Marie Arana

Tutor: María Fernanda Ibarra

Lector: Eneida Góngora 

Lector; Carlos Castro

Fecha : Noviembre 2020

jueves, 8 de junio de 2023





 Elevate Belize will be a non-profit organization established to provide training and professional development via a mobile platform.

With high unemployment and poverty rates, skill gap and high school being the highest level of education for workers in Belize, it is one of the many reasons Belize has a sluggish economy.

The Covid-19 pandemic will further negatively affect these areas resulting in an even greater economic constraint. Elevate Belize is aimed at mitigating the effects caused by limited education, unemployment, skill gap and COVID-19.

Elevate Belize plans to break barriers and the walls of conventional classroom and training environment by bringing those classrooms in the neighborhoods, villages and rural communities of those that desire and require training and education. Elevate Belize believes in helping people in becoming a greater version of themselves, giving them an opportunity to become knowledgeable candidates for employment in our productive sector and contribute positively to Belize’s economy.

Currently, Elevate Belize has not initiated or executed any mobile training and professional development projects.

This Project Management Plan (PMP) is Elevate Belize’s first attempt in having a structured plan that follows the framework, principles, and guidance of the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK).

 This is also the first project for Elevate Belize, which has allowed them the opportunity to integrate the PMBOK functions into their organization.

 The general objectives for this Final Graduation Project were to create a Project Management plan that will manage the implementation of training and professional development programs executed in a mobile classroom across the country of Belize starting January 2023.

The Specific objectives are as follows: to develop a change control process that will outline how change request will be managed; to develop a Scope Management Plan in order to identify the task that need to be completed to launch the mobile training center; to develop a Schedule Management Plan that defines the scheduled requirements for the project; to develop a Cost Management plan that will identify the budget and provide guidance on the cost management of the project; to develop a Quality Management Plan that will establish the quality processes and expectation for the project; to develop a Resource Management Plan that will provide guidance on the overall management of project resources; to develop a Communications Management Plan that will manage and govern the communication with stakeholders; to develop a Risk Management Plan that will provide guidance on the structure and performance of  risk activities; to develop a Procurement Management Plan for the project to implement proper procurement procedures and processes and to develop a Stakeholder Engagement Plan that will properly identify and manage stakeholder engagement; The methodologies for the creation of the PMP for this project involved a combination of qualitative, quantitative and analytical research methods. Qualitative research was used to gather knowledge for the development of each of the specific objectives. Quantitative research was used to calculate time, cost and resources estimates that were critical in completing the PMP. Analytical research was used to investigate and further develop the inputs for each knowledge area.

 Important to note is that a Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge 6th edition, was used throughout the development of the PMP.

This project will be executed in five phases: Project Planning, Conceptual Designing, Design Execution, Pre-Launching and Project Closeout & Launch. These five phases will be executed in 525 days, to conclude January 30, 2023.

 Focus should be dedicated on the task included on the critical path to ensure there are no delays when recruiting the project team.

The project’s budget is $140,140.00 USD, calculated using parametric estimating. Pertaining to quality, four quality factors were identified for this project: Endurance/Durability; Design Compliance Rate, Time, and Budget.

 Quality metrics were developed for each quality factor to measure the degree of conformance and nonconformance to the project specification.

Regarding risk, the risk register identified as the highest risk for project delay and non-conformance to project goals can be due the inability to identify a vendor that can fulfil the requirements of the mobile design.

The project team will need to ensure they are conducting proper monitoring to implement the necessary strategies to mitigate this risk.

Procurement included items that were classified as: Mobile, Service or Equipment, which will be procured using either of the following procurement methods: competitive shopping or direct contracting.

The contract type that will be used for this project will be Fixed Price Contract. The Stakeholder analysis identified the Project Sponsor in the quadrant to manage closely and the Government of Belize to keep satisfied.

These findings are key, since their participation and view of the project can determine the success of the project. This Final Graduation Project will enable the project team to complete the project on schedule, within the project budget, in addition to meeting the overall objectives and stakeholder expectations.

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Fecha: Mayo, 2021

Tutor: Jorge Trejos Gutiérrez

Lector: Fabio Muñoz Jiménez

Lector : Sara Fonseca




miércoles, 7 de junio de 2023





Managing and disseminating economic and statistical information are vital for the credibility of the Ministry of Economy and Finances. A secure and efficient intranet coupled with a solid database is an important information system that any entity in the public administration needs to increase productivity and provide quality service to the national and international communities.

Data can be easily collected, treated, analyzed, stored in a secured database with limited accessibility, and posted online for the public. The Economic Division is the unique department within the ministry that has the authority to centralize data and provide information to the decision makers and all of the local, regional, national, and international scientific communities.

  The Economic Division (ED) is part of six technical departments within the Ministry of Economy and Finances (MEF), which is a functional organization where staff is grouped hierarchically by function.

The Economic Division has only one service called economic studies, which has the mission to monitor economic activities and make forecasts. It manages a large amount of data through its studies and forecasting sub-division and monitors projects for national and international donors through its governance and international sub-division for cooperation. Currently, the Economic Division has three (3) directions and three (3) services and counts fifteen (15) permanent employees. Currently, the Economic Division has no experience in initiating or planning projects.

It does not have any project management framework to plan, manage, and monitor projects. Creating a project management plan to initiate and plan projects as a result of this research will be the cornerstone for the success of this software product. Additionally, it will become vital for the ministry to engage in the intranet development project, since it will enhance its capacity to plan projects, particularly information system projects, by specifying all inputs, tools, and techniques that should be used in the project management process.

The lack of guidelines, procedures, templates, and management tools to initiate, plan, and manage projects can undermine the development progress of all projects and lead to unorganized implementation.

The purpose of this final graduation project (FGP) consists of creating a project management plan that will be very useful for project planning in order to increase the probability of project success. It will render a framework that can serve as a model for other projects in the future. It will define the basis of all project work and how it will be performed.

It will also provide the opportunity to strengthen the capacity of the ministry to better manage projects in the short term and to pave the way to create a PMO in the medium and long term that defines and maintains standards for project management within the organization.

  The general objective of this final graduation project (FGP) is to create a project management plan using the practice standards and frameworks of the Project Management Institute (PMI) for an intranet development project for the Economic  Division in the Ministry of Economy and Finance in order to collect, analyze, manage, store, and publish economic and financial data.

The specific objectives are to develop a project charter that formally authorizes the existence of a project and provides the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities, to formally authorize the existence of a project and provide the project manager with the authority to apply organizational resources to project activities by creating a scope management plan, to develop a stakeholder management plan to identify stakeholders and develop strategies to effectively engage them, to manage the timely completion of the intranet project by developing a schedule management plan, to create a cost management plan to ensure that the project can be completed within the approved budget, to develop a quality management plan to ensure that the project will satisfy the stated or implied needs for which it was undertaken, to create a resource management plan to identify and manage materials and human resources for the successful completion of the project, to develop a communication management plan to ensure the timely and effective communication of the project performance and other key information, to develop a risk management plan to identify and prioritize risks in the project and develop a risk response plan, and to develop a procurement management plan to purchase products and services needed from outside the project team.

The methodology used for this research was analytical, observational, and quantitative. Interviews were conducted with senior managers, sponsors, and members of the project team, and they were used in data collection.

The information that was found was analyzed for the development of a methodological solution through an in-depth analysis and the identification of appropriate strategies and process development.

Other information sources include reference books, literature reviews, and articles. However, the main source of information was gathered from the Guide of Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide, 6 th Edition), which was used to develop the project management plan for the intranet development project.

In conclusion, the Ministry of Economy and Finances should conduct their future projects using good project management principles.

 Therefore, a project management plan with all of the subsidiary plans must be incorporated, and it will serve as a guide towards the completion of the project complying with the constraints of time, budget, quality, and scope.

One important element of the recommendations consists of proper communication being maintained by the project team and the relevant stakeholders to ensure a complete understanding of the requirements and deal with issues in a timely manner. In addition, the project manager and the team should adhere to strict budgetary constraints.

The intranet development must be properly maintained to guarantee customer satisfaction long after its deployment. Finally, the ministry could seek to undertake similar or larger projects in the future after having gained project management skills and experiences.


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Estudiante: Gabriel Berny DUVALSAINT

Tutor: Luis Diego Argüello ARAYA

Lector: María Fernanda IBARRA

Lector: Cristian SOTO

Fecha : October 2020




The National Parks, Rivers and Beaches Authority (NPRBA) is a statutory body formally established in 2007 to protect and conserve nature and biodiversity.

Over the years, the NPRBA has engaged in the execution of several conservation and sustainable tourism-related projects with the intent to meet the demands of the Authority's mandate. St. Vincent and the Grenadines is a multi-Island state, highly vulnerable to adverse climate impacts (Gonsalves, 2017).

For this reason, the NPRBA emphasizes the significance of introducing adaptation strategies to improve sustainable management, conservation, and restoration to protect local communities and coastal ecosystems to become more resilient to face anticipated challenges.

At the NPRBA, there is a high demand for improved project performance. An absence of a formal project management framework hinders the implementation of critical activities.

The NPRBA recognizes the importance and the need to implement a change effort to optimize and potentiate the quality of conservation projects.

To appropriately manage the Rehabilitation and Ecosystem Adaptation at South Coast project, it is necessary to incorporate a plan to ensure its successful completion. Therefore, a comprehensive strategic plan that includes sound project management knowledge, tools, and techniques to support successful project delivery is required.

The general objective was to develop a project management plan framed within the Project Management Institute's standards to manage the implementation of the "Rehabilitation and Ecosystem Adaptation at South Coast, St. Vincent and the Grenadines project.

" The specific objectives are: to develop an integration management plan to unify and coordinate the processes and project management activities during the project; to create a scope management plan to guide how project work will be defined validated and controlled; to develop a schedule management plan to ensure the timely completion of the project; to create a cost management plan to manage cost throughout the projects' life cycle; to create a quality management plan to manage the quality of the project deliverables in order to meet stakeholders expectations; to develop a resource management plan to ensure that all human and material resources are identified and managed effectively to successfully complete the project, to design a communication management plan to ensure that information generated is of the appropriate quality and breath and that it reaches the various stakeholders at the proper time; to create a risk management plan that identifies risk and risk responses to ensure successful completion of the project; to develop a procurement management plan to guide to acquisition of products, services and results required by the project; and finally to create a stakeholder management plan to identify key stakeholder's and analyze their impact on the project.

he research methods used for the project were analytical, qualitative, and quantitative. Data relevant to this research were collected using primary and secondary sources. First-hand observation, interviews, and publications were interpreted, analyzed, conceptualize, synthesize, and evaluated objectively. The xiii PMBOK® Guide (2017) was the main publication used to enable the elaboration of the subsidiary plans.

 In conclusion, the Project Management Plan developed for the "Rehabilitation and Ecosystem Adaptation at South Coast Project" can positively affect the project team and the NPRBA. The Project Management Plan is an opportunity to create awareness about the importance and benefits of managing projects using formal documented plans.

 All the required subsidiary plans were realistically planned and well document. The Project Management Plan provides valuable information for the project team to make informed decisions and modifications necessary to manage and control cost, quality, and schedule. The Resource Management Plan provides tools and techniques that help improve time and resource usage. Stakeholder and Communications Management are two key knowledge areas that are crucial for successfully engaging key stakeholders.

The implementation of both plans can help develop the capacity of the project team to build positive community relations and minimize conflict by ensuring that the key stakeholders align with project goals.

The Procurement Management Plan would increase the competency level of the NPRBA to plan and execute procurement management processes more effectively.

The application of the Risk Management Plan can significantly reduce negative impacts and build a robust reputation as an organization that is known for consistently delivering projects successfully.

It is recommended that the Project team adopt the Project Management Plan for the "Rehabilitation and Ecosystem Adaption at South Coast, St. Vincent and the Grenadines project."

The Project Manager should integrate regenerative practices in the Project Charter and follow through in other areas such as the Procurement Plan. Also, refrain from adding features not in scope unless suggested by the customer and ensure that quality criteria are met.

The Project Team should apply a combination of tools and techniques to execute the project management plans effectively. These tools include fast-tracking, schedule, compression, resource allocation and resource leveling, among others. Furthermore, the Project Manager should practice proactive communication in addressing stakeholders' needs and expectations.

The Project Manager must proactively manage risks associated with the project. Adherence to monitoring and control budget, schedule, quality, and scope is essential for good management.


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Estudiante: Nyasha Alicia Child.

Tutor: Karolina Jiménez Monge

Lector: Juan Camilo Delgado

Fecha: junio 2021