I would like to acknowledge the contributions and assistance made by some persons
who without their help this Final Graduation Project would not have been
successfully completed.
Firstly, I thank Mr. Jorgé Trejos (my advisor) for his invaluable assistance, technical
support and expertise in the field of Project Management that he readily shared with
Notwithstanding numerous setbacks, his dedication to assisting ensured I was
able to produce and complete this project via his edits and comments on the project.
Secondly, I would like to thank the knowledgeable faculty and staff of the University
for International Corporation (UCI) for their dedication toward this program and their
influence towards my growth during my studies at UCI.
Furthermore, it would be remiss of me not to thank and acknowledge the assistance
of my family and friends who were very supportive, always encouraging and pushing
me while I was undertaking this assignment.
Finally, I would like to thank God for giving me the strength, knowledge and courage
to complete this project. For without Him it would not have been possible.
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